Hello lovely blog and new blogger friends!
I decided my first post should be a little about me and my vision for this blog.
First of all, I am a Christian and totally in love with my Lord! There may be posts about a verse I come across that is particularly interesting, inspiring, or beautiful. I haven't decided exactly what I want to do with this blog, I just thought it would be good practice, which leads to my other interests!
I am a university student from the United States, smack dab in the middle of the midwest! I am studying writing and art and they are definitely my passions! I love to write about events in my life or little thoughts I've had about anything and everything. I am inspired by rather random things :) I've toyed with the idea of a blog for a while, because it will allow me to do more writing and give me lots of practice!
As far as my art, I love lots of artistic mediums. Photography is by far my favorite, and I will probably post some of my artsy pictures here for you to see! I won't be posting pictures of people (sorry, but there are too many creepers!), but flowers, pets, sunsets...all fair game!
I also love music! I play the piano and the harp and I listen to everything except rap, hard metal, screamo, and country. I am obsessed with classical music, soundtracks and musicals!
Now random lists (I love lists!)
Lifelong passions:
My pets: I'll post pictures soon!
Polyvore.com: a post is definitely coming about this, there is too much to say here!
Trench coats: I've never seen one I didn't like!
Girly skirts: love 'em!
Ballet flats: I live in them
Ice Cream: 'nuff said
Christmas: no school, no work, no stress, and lots of family time:)
Mascara: I generally leave my make-up at mascara and lip gloss...simple but lovely!
Quotes: You'll see lots of them coming up
Starbucks: Oh yes.
Quirky pictures
Current loves:
Pushing Daisies: Season Two is coming Wednesday!
Reading the newspaper
Big fuzzy blankets and body pillows!
Water bottles
White chocolate frappuccino creme with peppermint @ Starbucks :) Mmmmmmmmmm!