Friday, October 31, 2008


I was tagged by MissYujin here:

Although I mentioned a lot of random things in my first post, but...
7 Random Facts:

1. Tale of Two Cities is my favorite book
2. I am watching Finding Neverland right now, and I looooooooove the soundtrack for this movie
3. I love Scrabble--I'm currently undefeated in a tournament for a class I'm in;D
4. I have a crochet Dodo bird named Dorothy; I'll post pictures within the next few days
5. I've never had Mountain Dew. I can't stand the way it looks. Ick!
6. Christian Bale is my current celebrity crush. Again. haha!
7. I have always wished I had black hair. Which is why I am coloring my hair next weekend! But not to black, just a darker brown.

2 Tags.....because I don't read any other blogs at this point;D
MissYujinTalks: (who tagged me, can I do that?)
Ducktape's Nevermind the [Blanks]:

This is fun!


Miss Yujin said...

No Mountain Dew? lol
I did hear it's the unhealthiest drink there is...

Harpweaver said...

haha, it just grosses me out!