Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Every sunrise is a present, a gift from God above,
Gift-wrapped with scarlet ribbons and tied with bows of love.

Each day's a new beginning, a time to start anew,
While all the stars are sleeping, and the rose is fresh with dew.

Every day's a new creation, too lovely to ignore,
And we may find a blessing, just outside our door.

We cannot keep the past, like fireflies in a jar
Nor journey to the future by wishing on a star.

Every sunrise is a blessing, a gift for just today.

Rejoice, my friend, embrace it before it fades away!


Isn't the sunrise beautiful! My very stressful morning was completely turned around by the gorgeous artwork of God this morning; the colors were so vibrant and vivid. My little camera phone was completely incapable of capturing the essence of the hope this picture will be able to share a little bit of the magic I saw this morning.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Word of the Week...or until I come across another that I like!


[i-buhl-yuhnt, i-bool-]
–adjective: overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited: The award winner was in an ebullient mood at the dinner in her honor.

Fun, eh?

And I promise, a real post is coming. Finals will be the death of me, I'm sure! But facebook, polyvore, a new AIM account, and my friends will get me through....or make me crazier, one of the two! hehe! 

Happy December!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Another hasty, though not perfunctory post....another song!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Have I gone mad?

I got up out of bed to write a paper just because I had an idea. It was a good idea, and I like the paper, but still....

Oh well, such is the life of a writing major; I should probably get used to it...

A Current Obsession....

Wicked! I just bought the soundtrack;) Plus, I've been a huge fan of Kristen Chenoweth since I started watching Pushing Daisies Now I am going to listen to it with my roomie and her *ahem* "friend" (lol) and bake chocolate chip cookies!

This is one of our favorite songs: Popular!

A real post will come is crazy with only two weeks left in the semester! After a cookie break, its back to the books. Happy Studying All!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

America, what have you done?

But HE is bigger. Thank you, Jesus, for being bigger.

Vote or Shut Your Yapper

Vote, America! by Harpweaver

The title is what the shirt says really small;D Actually, I think it says "shut 'yer yapper," but I couldn't bring myself to write that......hahaha! That's what I get for being a writing major, I guess...

Doggy Love

I found a whole collection of insanely sweet videos online! Of course, I cried, although that probably had more to do with the fact that it was 1 in the morning than the subject matter, but I thought I'd share one with you:)

These are two dogs greeting "their soldier" who has come back from Iraq.

What sweethearts;D

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Introducing Dorothy the Darling Dodo

This is Dorothy, as mentioned in my previous post! She is a crochet Dodo bird, made for me by my dear dear roommate who stayed up late into the night creating me a dodo just because I said I liked them and would love to have one:) Isn't my roomie good to me?!

Anywho, Dorothy has become my traveling companion. I will probably never post pictures of myself on this blog, so now, Dorothy can be in the pictures when I want to post about something I did recently!

This picture is from Fall Break a few weeks ago; this is Dorothy waiting until our name was called for lunch at one of my favorite restaurants (which will also remain annonymous...sorry! hehe!). Let's just say it is lovely and relaxed, but very nice, and they have fabulous soup, and the very best hot ham and swiss sandwich ever! I'd like to go again....but I regress.

Please welcome dear Dorothy:)

Friday, October 31, 2008


I was tagged by MissYujin here:

Although I mentioned a lot of random things in my first post, but...
7 Random Facts:

1. Tale of Two Cities is my favorite book
2. I am watching Finding Neverland right now, and I looooooooove the soundtrack for this movie
3. I love Scrabble--I'm currently undefeated in a tournament for a class I'm in;D
4. I have a crochet Dodo bird named Dorothy; I'll post pictures within the next few days
5. I've never had Mountain Dew. I can't stand the way it looks. Ick!
6. Christian Bale is my current celebrity crush. Again. haha!
7. I have always wished I had black hair. Which is why I am coloring my hair next weekend! But not to black, just a darker brown.

2 Tags.....because I don't read any other blogs at this point;D
MissYujinTalks: (who tagged me, can I do that?)
Ducktape's Nevermind the [Blanks]:

This is fun!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Quote for thought

I love quotes. Sometimes I may simply post a quote for thought...

"The eternal quest of the individual human being is to shatter his loneliness."
~Norman Cousins

This quote made me sad in a way. I was throwing myself a pity party--Is often do when I'm studying Spanish--and I began to feel lonely and pathetic, missing home, so I began to search for quote to describe how I felt. This is what I came up with.

The quote is true. Everyone is searching for someone or something to take away their loneliness.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Dear Dear Polyvore Friend

This set was made for me by the fabulous and talented Lulu124. Isn't she simply exquisite?! I had to share her artwork with you:) Thank you, darling Poly friend!

Completely, Definitely, Absolutely For: Harp!!! :D by LuLu124

Check out Lulu's other sets here:
They are simply gorgeous!

Monday, September 29, 2008

A bit about me....

Hello lovely blog and new blogger friends!

I decided my first post should be a little about me and my vision for this blog.

First of all, I am a Christian and totally in love with my Lord! There may be posts about a verse I come across that is particularly interesting, inspiring, or beautiful. I haven't decided exactly what I want to do with this blog, I just thought it would be good practice, which leads to my other interests!

I am a university student from the United States, smack dab in the middle of the midwest! I am studying writing and art and they are definitely my passions! I love to write about events in my life or little thoughts I've had about anything and everything. I am inspired by rather random things :) I've toyed with the idea of a blog for a while, because it will allow me to do more writing and give me lots of practice!

As far as my art, I love lots of artistic mediums. Photography is by far my favorite, and I will probably post some of my artsy pictures here for you to see! I won't be posting pictures of people (sorry, but there are too many creepers!), but flowers, pets, sunsets...all fair game!

I also love music! I play the piano and the harp and I listen to everything except rap, hard metal, screamo, and country. I am obsessed with classical music, soundtracks and musicals!

Now random lists (I love lists!)

Lifelong passions:
My pets: I'll post pictures soon! a post is definitely coming about this, there is too much to say here!
Trench coats: I've never seen one I didn't like!
Girly skirts: love 'em!
Ballet flats: I live in them
Ice Cream: 'nuff said
Christmas: no school, no work, no stress, and lots of family time:)
Mascara: I generally leave my make-up at mascara and lip gloss...simple but lovely!
Quotes: You'll see lots of them coming up
Starbucks: Oh yes.
Quirky pictures

Current loves:
Pushing Daisies: Season Two is coming Wednesday!
Reading the newspaper
Big fuzzy blankets and body pillows!
Water bottles
White chocolate frappuccino creme with peppermint @ Starbucks :) Mmmmmmmmmm!